
Discussion in 'General Topics on Brokers' started by 投机之王, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. 操作以3个月到1年的持仓为主,短线不多,请问美国哪一个券商比较适合?
  2. 具我所知,可能scottrade吧,没有最低月账户使用费,交易费用较低,中文服务,进出资金好像都没有费用,数据也还可以(我用过他的免费数据,日线的,backfill时飞快,而且能提供十几年的日线数据,比IB好),指令方面不太清楚。我本来想在那儿开个户的,但他好像不支持网上开户(需要寄纸质文件),我比较懒,就拖下来了。

  3. 感谢mailema兄热心!

    但比较沮丧的发现网页上方有这样一行提示“ 請注意,我們目前的網上開戶只限於美國國內居民申請
  4. 谢谢,我咨询scot了,大陆可以开户,貌似可以电子扫描/传真
  5. MB似乎也是一个账户可操作多品种,因为没具体接触过,你可以去他的网站看看或给他客服发mail
  6. 冒昧的说一句:中期持仓是投资人自己的事情啊,跟使用哪个券商没大关系吧 ?觉得用哪个券商都可以中期持仓的。

  7. 话是这么说,不过美国大部分券商都对低交易量的或不活跃的账户有额外收费,无形中提高了成本。
  8. 谁能看到MB的客服EMAIL?

    我的系统是IE 6.0,登录MB网站说我的版本太低,除了提示让升级IE 7.0,其它网站相关内容一概没有。
  9. sogo trade的交易费用也很低的,不知道其它方面如何?
  10. 如果你是中线操作,手续费是一个大问题吗?如果想多平台、低手续费,IB不就是一个选择?

    “我的系统是IE 6.0,登录MB网站说我的版本太低,除了提示让升级IE 7.0,其它网站相关内容一概没有。 ”

    What exactly do you offer?
    MB Trading offers the MBT Navigator, a professional level direct access trading system for Nasdaq, NYSE and AMEX securities, options, and e-mini futures. The Navigator seamlessly integrates into some of the industry's leading quote applications, including QCharts, and eSignal, providing a complete and advanced online trading system. We offer real time comprehensive support via our internet based chat room and a fully staffed Trade Desk that is available from 7:30am to 8:00pm EST. We are confident that you will not find a more reliable, convenient, and efficient trading platform.
    How does your service differ from other online brokers?
    Most traditional online brokers are web-based. This means that orders entered online are first sent to a broker who then places the order for you. With the MBT Navigator, your orders are sent directly to the exchange or marketplace for fast executions, all for a low, competitive fee.
    How long has MB Trading been in business?
    MB Trading was founded in 1999 by Ross Ditlove and institutional broker Steve Demarest. MB Trading is headquartered in El Segundo, CA.
    Is MB Trading a public company?
    No, MB Trading is a privately held company. Ross Ditlove is the CEO and Steve Demarest is the President of MB Trading.
    Who does MB Trading clear through?
    MB Trading clears through Penson Financial Services, a Publicly traded firm. Capitalized through an affiliation with a Texas life insurance group with assets in excess of $200 million and equity capital of over $100 million, Penson has the financial strength to invest in the people and technologies that make this kind of tailored, flexible service possible. More information on Penson Financial Services can be found at www.penson.com
    Is MB Trading a broker-dealer?
    Yes, MB Trading is a broker-dealer and a FINRA and SIPC member firm.


    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2009
  11. IB 持仓过夜有过夜费的。
  13. 我印象里好像是选择“非捆绑”计费方式的才有过夜费,选择“捆绑”的好像没有。当时我的理解是:“非捆绑“方式是交易越多越便宜,主要针对那些日内炒手,那么如果你还拿它过夜,那IB就得惩罚性的多收点回来。:D
  14. MBT的期货收据要缴费的,每个交易所都要交,除非达到一定交易量。
  15. IB关于过夜费网站上有描述吗?哥们别吓我啊,最近捂了几个股票准备长线呢。
  16. 呵呵,没吓你,我的期货是选的“非捆绑”方式,记得过夜单被收过费,后来看到weijian也这样说我才知道的(金额很小,零点几美元,但你捂十年八载就很恐怖了:D,但如果你没选过“非捆绑”,估计没啥可担心的)。我也没找到相应的网页,可以去问问weijian或客服。
  17. 嗯,在网站上找到说期货会收过夜费,是像你说得那样,非捆绑式会收滞留费的。在“佣金-〉期货和期货期权-〉非捆绑式的“ 里面:

    “7. 针对单一底层证券每个净期货合约、净沽空看涨期货期权或净沽空看跌期货期权每个日历日收取净期货头寸被隔夜保留的滞留费。"

  18. 过夜费是对期货及期货期权来收取的,而且只对非捆绑式报价,对股票交易则没有这个说法。实际上,大家被收取的这个过夜费基本上都是很少的份额。相对于期货价格的变动,成本非常低。打个比方,就好像打车从城东到城西,红灯或堵车的时候,每分钟多收了1分钱。

  19. 准备在SCOT和MTB各开一个,看看各自的功能 效率和服务如何。
    SCOT TRADE的服务是没话说,随时上去都有人可以live chat,而且都是中文,就是客服人员的专业知识稍微一般一些。