RightEdge 2008 Edition 2 Beta 系列发布通知

Discussion in 'RightEdge' started by windspeedo, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. RE的效率真高。
  2. 被逼的。。。MBT的插件有问题,说是解决了,但是还不确定,有进展告诉我下
  3. MBT是什么?
  4. mb trading
  5. 有没有解密版的?
  6. zwz


  7. zwz, 哇!高人呀!hylt 论坛因为你增色不少。
  8. 支持!
  9. zwz


  10. 给个联系方式吧,wind ,咨询个问题
  11. 实时数据都包括那些报价?

  12. zwz


  13. 已经给您留言。:D
  14. The page cannot be found.
  15. RightEdge 今天发布了 2008 Edition 2 Beta 6



    Fixed an OutOfRangeException that could occur if the second bar for a symbol was an empty bar.
    Updated IDataStore interface
    Fixed bug with BarDataStreamer with symbols with no data between the data and trade start date
    Fixed indicators being displayed incorrectly on charts when SynchronizeBars is enabled
    Fixed a bug with monthly bar generation
    Updated TWS plugin to use newer version of Krs library, and added ability to handle ApiCancelled and ApiPending order states
    PaperTrader.GetOrderedOrders is now virtual, allowing the order in which orders are processed to be customized.
    Fixed a bug with one of the constructors for the Highest indicator.
    Symbols with an asset class of index can now be traded.
    Fixed a bug when running a live system with saved open positions which require exchange rate information to calculate P&L.
    IQFeed plugin is now included
    The AmbiguousMatchException when running simulations may be fixed
    Fixed bug which prevent SQL server data storage plugin from working.
    Added tick data "editor", which only supports viewing so far.
    Yahoo plugin now ignores bars with a timestamp other than midnight. This should help avoid overlapping bar errors when running a simulation.